There was a killer who had killed more than seven persons who died
out of the cruelty of his hands and perverted mind. And he was captured,
judged , found guilty, and sentenced to life imprisonment for all the
assassinations. And the judge asked him: " What do you have to say?" And
the sentenced man said
" I am convinced that I deserve my punishment, I
am a monster and must pay for what

I have done, and there is nothing
that I can do. Nevertheless, I am not the only one guilty, there are
more assassins, more involved criminals, who you must capture and
sentence." And the judge said, " Tell us promptly, how many are they?"
And the sentenced man answered, " It is true that there are others who
are even worse and cruelest than me." And the judge said, "Tell me, how
many are they, their names and where can we find them?" And he said, "
They are too many, so many that I can't even count them, their names are
many and they are everywhere, even here."
And the judge, asked, " What do you mean, are you talking about a well
organized gang, maybe international?" And the sentenced man answered,
"It is true that they are everywhere, in many places and important
positions but they are always threatening and perpetuating all and each
one of their crimes. Even more, I recognize that I am the criminal hand
but they are the minds, they truly are the judges, intellectual authors
of each of my misdeeds. I want to declare so every and each one of them
may be captured and duly processed."
The judge raised his voice and
said, " Say, who are they, are you making fun of us?"
And the sentenced
man answered, " I am not making fun of you, I feel a great despise for
me and all those. They are many, too many and they are everywhere, I
have known them for a long time, they taught me all evil, thus, I
repudiate myself and I don't want to give an excuse or foolish
explanation but if I would not have met them, nothing of this, would
have happened, for sure." And the judge replied, " What did they teach
you? and finally what are their names? "
And the sentenced man finally
said, " The name of this gang is the majority of humanity. And it is not
only what they taught me but also what they didn't teach me. They never
taught me to love. They despised me and showed violence, aggression and
thus, I promised revenge; I sank because of that revenge, because I
wanted to finish them all but they were the majority of humanity. I look
back and I see myself as fragile and innocent, I remember their beating,
mistreating and from each blow and mistreat, I learned more about evil.
But, I now know that I did not learn anything and that the same evil
destroyed me a
long time ago. You see, judge, they are many, with many
names, they are everywhere wearing a mask of kindness but only in
appearance since each one is a criminal chief training for perpetual
curse. I am what I am now, but I was a child that once was a victim and
them turned into aggressor. Then, sir, you must build bigger jails and
put they all in, put the whole world in and give protection to the
And the judge could not answer, a tear run down his cheek as
well as many of the
persons in the court room, because in that sentence,
many should participate and many were guilty of those deaths.
When, will we stop being the terrible cause of creating the most
dreadful criminals?
It is much better to give love to a child, so it can be avoided to give
him a life sentence sometime in the future.