You might have thought that all the fields were green, that the sun would always come out, that the sea would kiss the shores, that the birds would fly in the sky, that the rivers would always sing and happily would take its water to fertilize the ground and to finally surrender to the sea. You might have thought that the hearts would go on beating unceasingly. You might have thought that you had the world in your hands, that the fruits were ripe and that you did not have anything else to do. And with these ideas in your mind, you went to sleep but the next day when you awoke, it was still night and you waited and waited, thinking that the sun should have been out a while ago but the day was gray, dark, somber, there were no birds , no flowers, the ground was empty, the earth was dust and the sea was gone and dry. And you said: " This must be a nightmare" But an inner voice, between sobs, said: " The nightmare just started because Love abandoned us." |
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