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Two madmen were in a
mental hospital and one of them was saying:
- God does not exist because if He did, I would not be here.-
And the other answered:
- How can you say that God does not exist?, if He didn't, neither of us would be here.- _______._______
I have a strange, incomprehensible and wonderful blush, which many people envy and even death wants to imitate. There is someone who chases me and who can never reach me, he calls me with passion. And I say without saying : One more day, perhaps. I have the power, the fortune, that they all fall in love with me, with my charm and my plenitude, and I have the blush that the white rose copies. Since I am: The Moonlight _______._______
It is not taken but drunk. The more that you drink, the more thirsty that you get. And it says: -I can dry wells and I can dry the ocean. I can take of my own and of the others tears. Nobody can satiate my thirst. Thousands of times worse than the fire of hell is my thirst. My eternal thirst of you that lies forever in me. Since I am: The Nostalgia.-
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All the Art and Inspirational Writings
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created and copyrighted by
Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell
Mystic Healing Art-TM
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