
The painting is like the blood of the Artist.
It is magic, inspiration, dedication and above everything is a lot of Love.

The title of this painting is "Spring". The picture does not reveal the different coats of colors and designs that form a multiple color. Just as  flapping of wings, left alive in the energy of the painting. The title is "Spring" because its inspiration was the light. The birth of a vibrant and wonderful sun. All this, conceived as the Fire of Life.

To paint is to feel that color and form are the time and space, the foundation and reason of everything that exists.

The painting dimension is one meter by one meter. And for a better explanation of the theme. The main figure is the Bramble of Fire of Life, which means, the mystery of Immortality.

Spring is not only light and warmth. It is also hope, trust, confidence, and  a renovated spirit. It is the warmth of life, and the longing to flow and to be. That is why, is a feeling, a reason and a power, which permanently emanates  from the light, the warmth and color of this Artwork.

This painting should be placed in the main place of a house, office or business. The reason being that its dynamism and depth, as well as its intense energy, are meant to transmit the reason and foundation of life itself. Also, if  this artwork, is placed in a place of meditation, it will bring an inexhaustible potency of energy, without limits.

The central force virtually floats in the air. The one who contemplates this artwork, will also perceive the foundation of the potency of Immortal Life.

Its benefits are multiple: From been able to accomplish a deep meditation and also, to be filled with a renovating energy of eternal life.

These are some comments that will allow a better appreciation.

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All the Art and Inspirational Writings  presented in this website
 are created and copyrighted by
 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell

Mystic Healing Art-TM

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