Love and lack of Love.
Hatred without rancor.
Vain Illusions.
To walk between the sky and the mountains.
To breathe without breathing.
We drank the water that we would never take.
And we saw what even the blind persons can see.

What does this come to be?

 The Dream


The one who did not want to see you, has seen you. And told me that you are worse than the abyss. But since I cannot understand, he said:
-It is that, who nobody can see.
But, what is that? I said.
And he answered:
-Its figure has the magic of the night. Its presence has the absence of the sun. And it rules over your inner fear.

Who spoke to me?
Of whom did he talk about?


"The Closed Eyes"


How is it possible that your hands so small and simple,
are capable of containing the unsurpassable Eternity?


"The Clock"


I understood last night that you love me but maybe and this would come as a surprise to you, I despise you. I thought that everything would end there but you insisted in every possible way and even used madness and obsession. Then, for and instant I was weak and fell for you. You took me, embraced and kissed me. While I was shouting:
-Move away, you poison! But it was too late, you were already in the blood, in the beating of my heart. You were in my thoughts and reasoning. A short time after, I surrendered my life to you but I want you to know that I will never give you my love.


"Health and Disease


I will tell you what nobody has ever told you.
I will tell you what nobody has ever dared to tell you.
I will tell you what nobody can tell you.


"The Silence


Why did you leave? Why did you abandon me?
 Why did I have to bear your farewell?
When everything was so shining and bright.
 Then, everything turned into darkness.
And when I looked up, you had left.
Tell me, how can I forget? What can I do?
Since I know that you will never return.
I will remember you but it will never, ever, be the same.




If my flower did not have thorns, it would not be my flower. If my flower did not hurt me and I saw blood in my hands, it would not be my flower.
Who can understand? Who will try to understand?
 I know that nobody will.
But I also know that inevitably we all have a flower with thorns.




You came yesterday morning looking for me, you picked me among many. And when I was in your hands, you said: " You are very beautiful and I will never leave you!"
We spent the whole day together, you told me about your dreams and fantasies. You said loving words, and I went into rapture with your romance while the hours passed. Then, in the center of your house, of your life and heart, you said: " You are so beautiful, how much beauty, even in your innocence, you are arrogant and conceited. But you are so pure.! The afternoon and night went by and when the next day arrived, I did not bring happiness to you any longer. And you said: " You have become old and now you have nothing to offer." And I said : " All that you said before was not true. How fast your love withered." But he took me in his arms, opened the door of his house, of our house and with disdain, threw me out."


The Withered Flower.


Warrior, infernal knight, why don't you leave me?
You shout and shake deep and deep and say that you will not leave. That you are rebellious, that you are loyal, that you are trustworthy. But I want you to know that even though nobody can stand in front of you, you are not immortal and all that you do to me, will finally end also in you. 


Answer: The Pain


The finest gold turned into essence. This essence transformed into a flower. And from this flower, passion arose. From this romance the sweetness sprang.
The work of thousands of sisters brought you this morning the virtue of sweetness which will not allow to be altered by time, it will not get corrupted and it will always be essence. It will be called the purest one. 


Answer: The Honey.


There is a story in your flattering smile. That you know is not real but you tell it anyway. As if the winter was spring. And they make a dove out of the snake. And perfume out of death. Immaculate perfume out of a spider web. And the one who is caught in it, will only find death. But what is your play? Why are you lucky today? At the end of the way there will only be a destiny. Loss, despondency and that smile will transform into crying.


Answer: The Lie.


Why do you change whenever I look at you?
Maybe, do you undress in front of me? And when I thought that I was seeing you, I don't see you any more.
 And when I thought that I was losing you, I can see you again as a girl and then as a woman.
Who can this be? The fairy of the dreams?


Answer: The Moon.


Poor is the one who does not know you. Poor is the one who ignores you, he will never be able to reach anything.  It does not matter that he has the art of thinking. And that he wants to reach the destination.  If he doesn't know you, not even an step he will be able to take. 


Answer: The Path


You might not be the light of the sun. You might not be the torch of victory. But whoever walks in darkness, knows that even though you are small, you are valuable and brave. You came out of darkness to say and repeat that you are, since you have that beautiful light.


Answer: The Candle

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